Saturday, June 27, 2009

"You all made your own world here, and you're all going to disperse and this won't be here anymore, but you made something." - George

Another rainy day in Firenze over here. So, the Gallatin program is OFFICIALLY over.
Said my goodbyes to Gal-pals this morning (starting at 4 am with Hannah), found a bunch of money in Branson's abandoned room (seriously, Branson? was the process that expedited?), then schlepped all of my stuff over to Villa Natalia from a very sadly empty Villa Colleta. Finally all settled in at Natalia, with a bathroom in our room (so nice, walking down the hall was getting kind of annoying), a mattress WITHOUT SPRINGS (thank the lord, beds at Colleta were, as Hannah would say, revolting), and a GORGEOUS view of our campus. Although I'm really sad that the Gallatin program has come to an end, I'm so happy for the friends that I've made and I'm looking forwards to the next six weeks in this bellissima villa :)
Tonight is notte bianca in Firenze, which means that everything stays open all night and there's music everywhere! Unfortunately, there are supposed to be thunderstorms all night, and most of the kids here are severely jet-lagged, so this notte bianca thing might not be quite as fabulous as one would think. We'll see. Tomorrow some orientations and walking around Florence in the rain. To many of you reading this: mi manchi! (I miss you). A domani.

Ciao Amori!

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