Thursday, June 11, 2009

Buon Compleanno Julia!!

Ah yes, what an absurdly mature individual. As you begin your teenage years, Julius, I wish you, well...luck, patience, and a lot of ice cream. Happy, happy birthday, I'm keeping my eye out for the perfect Italian gift for you. I miss you, and even though you're a ridiculous barnacle, I love you and your thirteen year old self.

As for today, I successfully asked for directions in Italian, kind of understood, and got us un-lost! :

Me: Scusi, dove la Piazza Indipendenza?
Cab driver: a sinistra....blah blah blah something about another piazza...sinistra....blah blah...sinistra...
Me: Va bene! Grazie! Ok, we go...left!

Then it was off to three hours of George and lots of talk about politics (oye vey), then to write a paper for art history, have some gluten-free pasta made especially for me by one of the cafeteria ladies, and finally book my flight for Barcelona next weekend. This week has been quite overwhelming - in a good way of course - but I needed some serious unwinding time. So, as prescribed by my wonderful boyfriend, I had some Laura time walking around the grounds taking pictures and listening to good old Peter Bradley Adams. The results:

That's all for today. Off to the beach tomorrow. A domani.

Ciao Amori!

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