Sunday, July 5, 2009


"It is the hard-won harmony between man and nature that makes not only the landscape of Italy but also the art of its people different from any other in this world." - Frederick Hartt

After waking up and doing a ballet barre this morning, I embarked on a solo day trip to Siena, doing typical Sienese things like admiring the Duomo, getting lost in little streets, and dining in the Piazza del Campo. Pictures from my journey:
(NICK THIS IS FOR YOU!!! Niccolai, Niccolai, does whatever a Niccolai does...)
(S. Domenico Church)
(post-thunderstorm and getting mildly hit by lightening. che pizza.)
(The Duomo)
(memorial wall in the Duomo)
(Piazza del Campo)
Allora, io sto stanca! About to go read Cennini's The Craftman's Handbook and call it a night. A presto :)

Ciao Amori!

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