Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Banane in Fiamme.

So, for Italian class today we went on a culinary escapade beginning at La Carraia (gelato) and ending at Gao's apartment. After shopping for gelato, banane, burro and, of course, cognac, we were ready to cook our banane fritte on Gao's authentic Italian stove (meaning you turn it on, the gas comes out, you need a lighter to make it a working stove...). Bananas were peeled, cut, and fried in a pan with burro, sprinkled with zucchero, splashed with cognac, then put over gelato (once we had literally almost burned Gao's apartment down a number of times). It was quite a delightful diversion from the usual 3 and a half hours sitting (slash melting) in a classroom in Villa Ullivi. After dolce at Gao's, I took a stroll by the Arno to meet Erica for dinner.
Quote of the day for a little philosophy:

"Although nature commences with reason and ends in experience it is necessary for us to do the opposite, that is to commence with experience and from this to proceed to investigate the reason."-Leonardo da Vinci

Experience before reason - flames before wonderful banane fritte, chaos before order. Such is life...basta. A presto.

Ciao Amori!

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