Monday, July 20, 2009

"All these ways of making a living, since they depends mainly on our personal powers, are what you call arts."

"There are activities in which the powers of body and mind function together to bring profit. Such are the occupations of painters, sculptors, musicians and others like them. All these ways of making a living, since they depends mainly on our personal powers, are what you call arts, and do not go down in shipwrecks but swim away with our naked selves. They keep us company all our lives and feed and maintain our name and fame." -Della Pittura Introduction
Buona sera! Spent this morning roaming around Firenze singing along to my ipod, ducking in and out of stores to buy presents for people, and savoring the temperature of less than 90 degrees (in l'estate Italiana, one can NEVER take bearable temperatures for granted). This afternoon it was off to Italiano to start learning the past tense - aye, dio mio. Just another day around Firenze and La Pietra. About to go finish up an art history essay on Filippino Lippi's Apparizione della Madonna a san Bernardo and call it a night. A domani.

Ciao Amori!

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